Monday 11 July 2016

Colourful greetings

The Colouring Book of Cards and Envelopes: Nature
Not sure whether these are child or adult colouring! We all enjoyed them very much.
I found my copy in Sainsbury's, but you can BUY DIRECT from the NT.
Just thought I would include these little cards. They have lots of gorgeous pictures of UK wildlife in a very cute and pretty style, but there are designs as suitable for boys as for girls. I had coloured several, but without any firm purpose. The designs are so cheerful, I really wanted to use them to brighten someone's day. Then, a little by surprise, I came across an appeal asking for letters of encouragement to be written to a group of children in Latin America. It said they wanted bright and colourful cards of encouragement for the children. Gosh, did I feel happy! They would be put to good purpose after all and not become just a product of happy time wasting! Without further ado, I wheeled out my rusty schoolgirl Spanish, hopped onto Bible Gateway to google some verses in the Spanish version of NIV and set onto filling them with writing. How glad I felt that I had learnt a language at school, which although it has never been used in ways that I expected, has not at least been put to waste.