Tuesday 26 July 2016

5 ways to colour as a group

You may be happy colouring all alone, but here are a few more suggestions...
  1. Colour as a family; it has a surprisingly calming effect upon both adults and children!
  2. Meet up with friends to colour in the park, in the library or at a cafe.
  3. Increase biblical literacy amongst children by putting on a colouring event or starting a club.
  4. Set up a colouring group for adults and colour scripture as a way of Christian meditation on scripture and relaxation. 
  5. Put on a colouring event to respond to a particular situation or need. For example, you may want to have a speaker from a related charity attend, or combine it with fund raising.
Don't re-invent the wheel! Try using existing church groups, such as Sunday school, youth group or house groups for one off events. You might also consider having an 'open house' for church members to drop in and colour, or combine it with a coffee morning.

Above all, enjoy the fellowship & find ways to be a blessing to others.